
This is a class that is full of information that might be useful to your Adapter or Filter while it is executing. It is an example of the Context Object pattern.

LinkContext has information about the Link that is currently running. This is a key object that allows custom extensions to be as dynamic as possible, reacting to run-time information for the currently-executing Link and operating under that context.

For example, you can use LinkContext to know which table you should be querying from an external system, or which fields to get from that table. A Filter can use LinkContext to see what mappings are active and if any of them have had configurations defined for this Filter.

Because LinkContext is tightly coupled and intrinsic to a running Link, you’ll find it passed as a parameter to almost every interface method so you always have it handy.


Data Type Class Property Description
String linkName The API name of the Link that is running. Comes from the DeveloperName cMDT record for the Link.
String linkSourceName The API table name of the source Table, if one has been defined.
String linkSourceLabel The user-friendly label of the source Table, if one has been defined.
String linkTargetName The API table name of the target Table, if one has been defined.
String linkTargetLabel The user-friendly label of the target Table, if one has been defined.
Boolean testingMode True if this Link is running in Test Mode. No TargetAdapter should write to its backing system in Test Mode.
Boolean isReplay True if this Link run is a replay of serialized failed records.
String sourceAdapterNamespace The namespace of the Adapter that is being used as the source Adapter.
String sourceAdapterClassName The class name of the Adapter that is being used as the source Adapter.
String targetAdapterNamespace The namespace of the Adapter that is being used as the target Adapter.
String targetAdapterClassName The class name of the Adapter that is being used as the target Adapter.
String recordSnapshotLoggingLevel The user’s selected level of logging. Picklist with possible values: All,Errors/Warnings,Errors Only,None
Integer batchSizeLimit The maximum number of records that can be processed in each batch for this Link.
DateTime lastSuccessfulSync The timestamp of the last time this Link successfully synced, or null if it has never successfully synced before.
Datetime now The timestamp that will be saved to the Sync Event as the retrieval timestamp. We recommend SourceAdapters fetch records with modification timestamps after lastSuccessfulSync and before now.
Map<String, Mapping> mappings All active mappings for this Link. Inactive mappings will not be in this collection.